My Review I loved this book so much. I read the synopsis and then ran to Amazon. I don’t think I have ever pre-ordered a book so fast. I totally dropped the other three books I was between as soon…
2024 DNF Titles
I have no problem DNFing a book, but I seldomly do it at all. I’m too much of a completionist, I have to catch them all. I am shocked at how many I’ve DNF’d this year. I think I’ve actually…
Review || Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
My Review This book was amazing. It feels cliché to say “life-changing”, but it wouldn’t be wrong. It was also horrifying. The book highlights the importance of sleep, but I never would’ve thought that it was that important. I’d dare say it’s…
Review || Ask For Andrea by Noelle W. Ihli
Gut impulse rating: 5 stars CAWPILE rating: 4 stars Content Warnings || Murder, rape, descriptions of bodily decomposition, possibility of the murder of children, date rape drugs, marital abuse, serial killer, oppressive religious lifestyle. My Review This book was so…