Let’s Talk Bookish is a weekly meme that was created and hosted by Rukky @ Eternity Books and then cohosted with Dani @ Literary Lion. It is currently hosted by Aria @ Book Nook Bits and Dini @ dinipandareads. The meme encourages participants to discuss a new topic each week and visit each other’s posts to keep the conversation going.
Prompt: What do you think of reading challenges—do they motivate you, or do they feel restrictive and end up making reading feel like a chore? Are there any challenges you participate in yearly? What reading challenges are you joining in 2025?
I am so hot and cold with reading challenges. Generally, I only ever like to do the yearly Goodreads challenge, but that is mostly because I like to know that I’ve made an effort to read. I also like the completionist feeling of having the banner when I visit the site.

When it comes to other challenges, I usually find them frustrating. I don’t work well under pressure, so a challenge like that is a great way to make me procrastinate forever and then forget it exists. I did create a challenge years back on my old bookblog, the Netgalley Reading Challenge, meant to get your request ratio in better standing. Man, I don’t even think I have a Netgalley account anymore… I haven’t even thought of that site in eons. I totally sucked at it. Host or not, I was the biggest failure. Pressure! I can’t deal with it!!

This year I am actually doing more challenges than I think I have in over a decade. I’m doing my usual Goodreads challenge (presently 55/100… thinking I wasn’t ambitious enough this year…), a 12 in 12 challenge but with Pride and Prejudice vagaries, and then a 25 in 25 challenge (that I haven’t even started yet… I need to go through and plan out the choices). Canterbury Classics is also doing a Jane Austen reading challenge that I’ve been loosely doing. I need to make pages for my other challenges so they are here on the blog too, but lazy. I’ve been reading and working instead of focusing on my blogs at all. Bad Raven, bad.
I wish I liked challenges better. They are so fun to complete.. at least when the pressure can pass long enough that I actually work on them.
- How do you feel about reading challenges?
- Do you like them when they ask you to do non-reading things?
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