It’s that time again! I am so glad 2024 is over. OMG what a dumpster fire. I seriously think that 2024 was worse than 2020-2022 combined.
2024 Check-in
I am so proud of myself for this year. I am so so so bad with resolutions. I am that person that, when given a directive/command, I rebel against it. Commanding me to do something is the easiest way to make certain I will never do it. Tell me I can’t do something, and I will make it happen out of spite. I blame the ADHD. Despite this, I somehow managed to triumph over these resolutions. Probably a side effect of stress, but whatever, I’ll take it.
Utilize Kindle Unlimited more
I rocked this one! Maybe it was because my husband was out of work and I couldn’t purchase too many books, but I also didn’t go wandering through my massive owned TBR either. I was all over KU this year and I’m so happy about it. I managed to read about 85% of my reads on KU. My goal was 60%, so I crushed that!
Keep ahead of or on track with my Goodreads Challenge
Dude, I don’t even know when I finished my goal, but it was early on. I didn’t even keep ahead of it, I think I crushed it in like August or something.
It just kept climbing. Sure, I brought in a lot more quick reads than I think I have in the past. I feel like I should start tracking page counts. I never have, because it wasn’t a stat that I really cared about, but I feel like my love for data is now curious.
Start actually planning out a monthly TBR
I wasn’t great with this. I didn’t track my TBR batches, it was all just for me and I was only batching them by about 2 weeks at a time. I wasn’t as devoted to my blog as I had hoped to be. My stress was manifesting as shakes, similar to what you’d see in someone with Rheumatoid Arthritis, which made typing insanely hard. I’m hoping to be better with this.
Continue adding my library into Notion
Ok, this one I just totally failed. Again, because typing was hard. I managed for about the first 40ish of the books I read this year and added in the BoTM club books I got and that was about it.
Re-read at least four books for “Project CAWPILED”
I did re-read two books, but I failed miserably and didn’t bother to type out any of the things I needed for them. I didn’t type any of it for what I did read either. I’ll just have to flip through them and hope I can remember enough to summarize the chapters as I want to do. I’m really sad about this fail, truthfully, because aside from handwritten notes on about half the books I read this year, I have nothing to put toward these, be it summaries or review notes.
2025 Goals
- Read 100 books || I think I can afford to be brave with my count goal. Especially considering I’m writing this on 4 Jan 2025 and I’ve already read 5 books toward my goal. Sure, the first book was started last year, but I was below 30% through it, so it totally counts.
- Consume at least two audio books
- Complete the 25 in ‘25 reading challenge hosted by the People We Meet Bookclub Podcast
- Read 5 nonfiction books
- Create those monthly reading lists and actually post the suckers! || Probably gonna start these in February. Lazy, y’all.
- Sit down and actually write reviews for what I read. || What is the point of a review blog if I’m not actually writing reviews? Seriously Raven, get on it!
- Get a more settled posting schedule. || Blogs do not take this long to set up. Stop procrastinating.
- Participated in the Let’s Talk Bookish tag more often.
- Start writing in my journal at least twice a week. || I used to be so good at this, and then I moved to Livejournal, and then I got sick of it not being just for me and stopped. I miss my journals and my handwriting is slowly atrophying. I need to get back on this. It’s always helped me so much.
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