I stopped doing resolutions some years ago because I never managed to complete them, which only left me disappointed. I’ve recently been working on managing my ADHD and it’s helped with my goals, so I decided to give them a shot again.
- Utilize Kindle Unlimited more
I have a bad habit of paying for subscriptions and then never taking advantage of them. I want to aim for 60% of the books I read to be from KU. - Keep ahead of or on track with my Goodreads Challenge
I am so bad at these! I either read half of the books at the beginning of the year and then rush after Thanksgiving to finish, or else I don’t even bother starting to read until after Labor Day. Half the time, I end up finishing up the challenge with a re-read since I know I can blow through those faster and I’m always in the mood to re-read one of my favorites. I just can’t bare to not complete the challenge. I just can’t! - Start actually planning out a monthly TBR
I never do these because I’m such a mood reader, but I want to start with them because giving myself a smaller “pool” to be in the mood for would likely help me out. Bonus: it gives me a guaranteed blog post each month. Win-win. - Continue adding my library into Notion
I started using Notion as a bit of a “second brain” a few years ago and have been slowly moving important things into it. I love using it as a library database. I have so many Kindle books that I’ve bought or gotten free over the years and I never read them because I don’t even know I have them. I also recently found a book that was cute and I wanted to read, but I was about to go on a road trip and didn’t have time to visit the library and didn’t own it. I was a half a second from buying the ebook when I glanced up at my then-newly unpacked bookshelves that had yet to be organized and spotted the very book I wanted to read! Apparently, I got it years ago when I was subscribed to Owlcrate and didn’t even know it! Had it been in my database, I would’ve been able to glance at it and know it was there to grab. My goal this year is to move all my printed books into the database, as well as all the books I’ve read since I started tracking in Goodreads. - Re-read at least four books for “Project CAWPILED”
I recently lost my mind shortly after I began using the CAWPILE system to determine my ratings. I use a modified version that ends up being CAWPILED, but gives me more balanced ratings. Because I’m a perfectionist, and also insane, I decided that I would go back and re-read every book I’ve ever tracked in Goodreads (300+) and redo all of my reviews with the new system. My reviews that I wrote during the era of my old book blog are all stale and not at all how I prefer them to be in this season of my life, so it is a “killing birds with stones” situation.
Pre-planning for 2025
Part of this year, I will be using my reading stats to determine my resolutions for next year as well.
- Pay close attention to reading frequency
I am so sick of reading a dozen books and then falling into a dry spell for 8-12 months. I want to read more consistently, so I’m making an effort to do so this year, so I can have a more realistic idea of what I’m capable for next year. - Use completed list for 2025 Goodreads Challenge
In the past few years, I’ve been really bad at setting my goal to 5 or 10 books, not having faith in myself to actually read. Then, as I go through the year, I edit the goal to add more and more books to the end game, which just feels dumb. I want to make actual goals to reach, not mini goals to complete and keep on adding to. - Go to the library more often
I want to start reading more to my children, we’ve gotten pretty sick of what is on our shelves and need some variation, so we don’t read as often as a family of late. I also want to just randomly grab a book off the shelf to read more often. I tend to stay in my little circle, but I would love to explore more genres and authors. Again, this data can become blog content and future resolution fuel, so win-win.
[…] itself. I admit to paying for it for nearly a year and a half and not reading a thing from it. I resolved to read more books from the program and in the process read enough books from KU last year to […]